Thursday, June 13, 2013

Good Fat, Bad Fat

by Dr. Mandill E. Kim

   No food group in our diets has had more confusion surrounding it lately than the group known as fats. Some fats are the key to good health, while other fats are called the key to illness and disease. Just what do nutritionists mean when they refer to fats? Do they mean the stuff on your plate, or the stuff on your husband? And should you eat either one? I, Dr. Mandill E. Kim, will clarify this complex issue once and for all.  

*** At one time, all fats were thought to be bad for our health. It was believed that they were the primary cause of heart disease. Then scientists studied the native tribes of Alaska who ate way more fat than anyone else, yet had no trace of heart disease. As a result, people were advised to eat at least one Eskimo with every meal. Fortunately, we now know that heart disease is primarily caused by small talk with people we barely know.

*** Fats are vitally important in helping the human body to absorb the vitamins and minerals required to tolerate Classic Rock.

*** Because fats provide most of the flavor to the foods we eat, they have been highly regarded throughout history. During ancient Sumerian marriage festivals, an assortment of delicious fats was offered to the wedding photographer. This method of payment is still acceptable today.

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